

Monday, June 25, 2012

Some Simple Tips For Reducing The Waistline

I would like to share with you a few tips anyone can implement into their daily routine, which will help reduce their waistline. Habits are essentially what really makes or breaks a person in terms of embarking on weight loss programs including reducing the waistline.

Adopting the correct eating habits is crucial while endeavoring to reduce the size of one's waist. How much one eats is not so much important as how often one eats and the speed at which food is incorporated into the stomach.

The objective is to reduce the waistline by causing the stomach to contract. Therefore eating at a fast pace (gorging) if you will, is counterproductive to shrinking the waistline.

The reason some people have large stomachs is simply because they either eat or drink too much at individual settings or they do not eat discriminatingly and have sedentary lifestyles. People get "beer bellies" because they drink too much beer either within a short period of time or they drink often and exercise sparringly.

Exercize notwithstanding, a few things someone could begin doing to tackle that embarrassing protruding stomach would include: Eating six small meals during the day instead of three large meals.

For example breakfast could include one egg, one slice of turkey bacon and one half of a bagel which would be better than two eggs, hashbrowns, bisquits, sausage and gravy. Two hours later a half cup of almonds and a half of an apple for a snack. For lunch a side salad with a low calorie dressing. A mid day snack consisting of a little tuna (1/2 can) and an avacado would carry you until dinner. For dinner a Lean Cuisine herb roasted chicken (170 calories)or a Michelina's Shrimp with pasta and vegetables (240 calories). A late evening snack consisting of fruit and nuts would be healthy. Never eat a large meal just before retiring.

Spend more time chewing your food. It is recommended that we chew our food at least 100 times per bite. This breaks down the food by mixing it with saliva making it more easily digestible rather than just stuffing the gut with half chewed food that gorges the gut outward. Learn to pause in between each bite. A 30 second pause in between each bite will also aide digestion by giving the stomach time to funtion with greater proficiency.

I recall as a teenager trying desparately to gain weight so I could try out for the football team. My mother advised me to eat faster because she thought that it would cause my stomach to fill up faster and somehow cause me to gain weight. I'm not too sure about that theory. However, I do believe that the reverse is true: when you eat slower and chew your food at least 100 times per bite, your stomach, more than likely, over a period of time, will contract back down to its normal size.

The necessity of a good daily exercize routine goes without saying. According to cardiologists a brisk 20 minute walk daily would be beneficial and help strengthen and save the heart. Crunches, deep knee bends, jumping jacks or anykind of bodily activity that burns calories would be helpful.

The idea is to take action! Your motto should be "if it is to be, then it's up to me," I hope these tips were helpful; good luck!

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