I would like to share with you a few tips anyone can implement into their daily routine, which will help reduce their waistline. Habits are essentially what really makes or breaks a person in terms of embarking on weight loss programs including reducing the waistline.
Adopting the correct eating habits is crucial while endeavoring to reduce the size of one's waist. How much one eats is not so much important as how often one eats and the speed at which food is incorporated into the stomach.
The objective is to reduce the waistline by causing the stomach to contract. Therefore eating at a fast pace (gorging) if you will, is counterproductive to shrinking the waistline.
The reason some people have large stomachs is simply because they either eat or drink too much at individual settings or they do not eat discriminatingly and have sedentary lifestyles. People get "beer bellies" because they drink too much beer either within a short period of time or they drink often and exercise sparringly.
Exercize notwithstanding, a few things someone could begin doing to tackle that embarrassing protruding stomach would include: Eating six small meals during the day instead of three large meals.
For example breakfast could include one egg, one slice of turkey bacon and one half of a bagel which would be better than two eggs, hashbrowns, bisquits, sausage and gravy. Two hours later a half cup of almonds and a half of an apple for a snack. For lunch a side salad with a low calorie dressing. A mid day snack consisting of a little tuna (1/2 can) and an avacado would carry you until dinner. For dinner a Lean Cuisine herb roasted chicken (170 calories)or a Michelina's Shrimp with pasta and vegetables (240 calories). A late evening snack consisting of fruit and nuts would be healthy. Never eat a large meal just before retiring.
Spend more time chewing your food. It is recommended that we chew our food at least 100 times per bite. This breaks down the food by mixing it with saliva making it more easily digestible rather than just stuffing the gut with half chewed food that gorges the gut outward. Learn to pause in between each bite. A 30 second pause in between each bite will also aide digestion by giving the stomach time to funtion with greater proficiency.
I recall as a teenager trying desparately to gain weight so I could try out for the football team. My mother advised me to eat faster because she thought that it would cause my stomach to fill up faster and somehow cause me to gain weight. I'm not too sure about that theory. However, I do believe that the reverse is true: when you eat slower and chew your food at least 100 times per bite, your stomach, more than likely, over a period of time, will contract back down to its normal size.
The necessity of a good daily exercize routine goes without saying. According to cardiologists a brisk 20 minute walk daily would be beneficial and help strengthen and save the heart. Crunches, deep knee bends, jumping jacks or anykind of bodily activity that burns calories would be helpful.
The idea is to take action! Your motto should be "if it is to be, then it's up to me," I hope these tips were helpful; good luck!
Welcome To CW's Corner. My Purpose For This Blog Is Two Fold: To Provide And Share With Readers A Variety Of Topics Of Discussion Including Online Income Generating Ventures That I Personally Am Involved With As Well As Tips, Suggestions And Motivational Material That Will Afford Readers An Enriching And Edifying Experience. Also To Provide A Comfortable And Serene Setting With An Artistic Atmosphere That Will Allow Readers To Take Short Breaks From Text and View A Variety Of Content.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
How To Lose 10 Pounds Per Month
I discovered several years ago that losing weight is no easy task. It was quite evident to me, having been some 30 pounds overweight that shedding those extra pounds is not something that most people can accomplish halfheartedly. It became apparent that weightloss requires a conscious effort; It requires self-discipline and will power. New habits must replace old habits. Certain types of foods must dissappear and other, more heathier foods, must take their place. Having reflected on the most important aspects of weightloss, I've narrowed it down to three very important factors that are absolutely crucial to losing weight: (1) Exercise (burning calories) (2) Portion Control (eating less per meal) and (3) Patience (Setting monthly goals).
Exercise is an important part of life, as far as staying fit and losing those pounds are concerned. Exercise is indeed a "survival mechanism" that will increase energy levels and extend the lifespan. On the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle makes it easy to pile on those unwanted pounds of flesh which can be lethal to the average person. Overweight people have a much greater predisposition toward developing diseases such as diabetes, strokes and heart disease. If someone is overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle they must be willing to make some drastic changes to their daily routines. For example they should spend less time watching television and utilize that extra time by either going to the gym or just taking a good long walk every day. I personally take a brisk 15 minute (about one mile) walk everynight. I prefer to walk late in the evening because it's cooler and there is less traffic. According to cardiologists a brisk 15 to 20 minute walk daily will save your heart. I've discovered experientially that by engaging in the walk consistenly without missing a night (barring inclement weather conditions) will help you shed those unwanted pounds, slowly but surely.
Portion control is a must when you need to lose weight. Everything in life seemingly is associated with habits. From the time we are small children we pick up habits from our parents. Hopefully most of them are good habits. Unfortunately we pick up even bad habits from our own loved one as well. I would like to share a brief story with you about some of my neighbors who lived down the street from me when I was a young boy. I won't mention any names because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. When I was about 10 years old I was allowed to camp out with my best friend three doors down from our house. He had a tent set up in his back yard and it was a big deal to a 10 year old kid to be able to camp out in a tent. The following morning after we camped out my friend's mother cooked breakfast for us. I mean his mom piled on the scrambled eggs, grits, pancakes, bacon, sausage, huge biscuits. I mean she loaded everyone's plate with this wonderful, delectable breakfast. My plate had enough food on it to feed three of four people. Fastforwarding around 20 or so years later, I worked at a company where my childhood friend's younger sister was also an employee. Sadly this young lady weighed close to 400 pounds. I'm not necessarily claiming that it was entirely attributable to eating habits. She could've had a thyroid gland disorder or some other disease. I would almost wager that lack of portion control probably contributed to her obesity.
Patience is vitally important for success with regard to just about everything in life. The weightloss process is certainly no exception. Some people jump on the scale three or four times per day. This is a mistake! Losing weight takes time and patience. I would recommend that anyone who wishes to drop those pounds should just hide the scale (shove it under the bed) and only use it every 30 days. Without patience it is extremely difficult to lose weight. You have to be willing to give it time. If a person is serious about dropping those unwanted pounds then they should set the following goals: (a) 30 day goal (b) 90 day goal (c) 6 month goal (d) one year goal. Remember "do not even go near a scale in between those time durations." Granted, sometimes you can jump on the scale and be five pound lighter than you were earlier that same day. Again a few hours later you jump on the scale again and notice you've regained that five pounds. Patience allows you to approach the weight loss program over a span of time that is not only more sensible but healthier, nonetheless. Dropping pounds too quickly can be very dangerous and life threatening. A healthy way or rational way to approach the weight loss campaign is to assume that the pounds come off like the old adage: three steps forward, two steps back, ie., lose one half pound one day and regain one quarter pound the following day.
Putting it all together I would suggest that someone who needs to lose weight engage in some semblance of physical activity such as walking, jogging or swimming, everyday. It is also important that you exercise rather briskly so that your heart rate is increased which provides good "cardio," and causes the burning of more calories than you incorporate into the body through food, etc. Unless someone burns more calories through excercise than they take into the body in the form of food, etc. they will not lose weight.
Eat less at each meal setting than you are accustomed to. This may mean that you will leave the dinner table somewhat hungry. I believe that it is necessary, at least in the beginning of a weight loss campaign to allow oneself to be a "little hungrier" when they leave the dinner table. The idea is not to stretch the stomach out to its capacity. The objective is to allow the stomach to contract by eating less. The urge to eat more (hungry feeling) is the stomach crying out for more food. Simply deny the stomach! Approximately two hours later eat some nuts or fruit. Almonds are very healthy antioxidants. By picking up some dried (lo cal) friut such as cherries, unsweetened raisins, or apricots mixed in with the almonds make them much more palatable. Eat smaller portions. Make sure your main entre is no larger than the palm of your hand. Normal portions that are purchased at the supermarket should be cut in half. If you are used to eating a whole baked chicken breast, only eat one half of the chicken breast. Instead of a full glass of whole milk, buy 2% milk and only drink one third of a glass per meal. If you need more beverage drink bottled (I prefer distilled) water. You should cut out soda pops because they contain a lot of sugar. Eliminate candy from the diet altogether, at least until you reach your goals. Replace it with nonfat yogurt, fruit and smoothies are great. Add flax seed to everything you eat. Use splenda or sugar substitute and a touch of honey instead of sugar in your coffee. Cut out the ice cream, candy and cokes or else you're only wasting your time.
To sum it up, consistent Exercise is vital for not only losing weight but for prolonging one's life. Too much TV can turn one into a "couch potato" which can be deadly. Portion control is "key" in dropping those ugly pounds and reducing the waist line. Make your body become a little hungrier than normal in between meals at first until you gain mastery over that spoiled stomach. It will adjust and within a few days the hunger sensation will vanish as the stomach realizes who the real boss is. Eat nuts and dried (lo cal) fruit about two hours after a meal. You don't want to go more than two hours without a snack because you don't want to get so hungry that you will over eat during meals. The objective here is to eat less at any given setting, but add a healthy snack within two hours of each meal. Put the almonds and dried friut in baggies and take them to work with you. Stay away from the greasy burgers at fast food establishments; choose a garden salad instead. If you have to have meat (I get that way sometimes) order a chicken sandwich without the mayo and just eat the chicken without the bread. The secret to weight loss is to eat lean, eat often but eat less per setting. Make that stomach growl and complain; it'll fall in line and succumb to your commands within a few days.
Finally, realize that patience is a survival mechanism even when it comes to losing weight. Don't be a scale hopper. Set the above prescribed goals and quantify them. Write them down and review them daily. For example if your goal is to lose 10 pounds the first month write the date down which would be 30 days from the date when you commited yourself to the goal. Write out a statement in your own words and read it aloud to yourself several times per day if possible. For example if your goal is to lose 10 pounds by July 28th write the following statement down. "As of July 28th I (your name) will weigh (your desired weight). I am determined to lose this weight and nothing will stop me from accomplishing this extremely important goal." Repeat it out loud! Memorize it and proclaim it several times per day. Look yourself in the mirror and shout it out! What you are doing essentially by repeating the positive affirmation is burning it into your subconscious mind so that the subconscious will go to work on your behalf. Also, I believe that words are compartments that take an unending pathway throughout the universe. I strongly believe that once someone commits to a goal, writes it down, quantifies (date of accomplisment)it and repeats it several time per day (with emotion) that the forces of the universe will come to your aid and assist you and help you get just about whatever you want.
Well my friend, I hope this has been helpful to you. Just realize that losing weight is serious business. Do it for yourself; you deserve it. If you have children do it for them so they will have a mommy or daddy around to be there for them. Don't make them go through this lonely struggle called life without you being there for them. Ask God to give you strength and courage. It's amazing what God can and will do for us when we go to Him in prayer. I'm far from perfect but I do know about the power of prayer, especially when the chips are down. Good Luck and Best Wishes!
Exercise is an important part of life, as far as staying fit and losing those pounds are concerned. Exercise is indeed a "survival mechanism" that will increase energy levels and extend the lifespan. On the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle makes it easy to pile on those unwanted pounds of flesh which can be lethal to the average person. Overweight people have a much greater predisposition toward developing diseases such as diabetes, strokes and heart disease. If someone is overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle they must be willing to make some drastic changes to their daily routines. For example they should spend less time watching television and utilize that extra time by either going to the gym or just taking a good long walk every day. I personally take a brisk 15 minute (about one mile) walk everynight. I prefer to walk late in the evening because it's cooler and there is less traffic. According to cardiologists a brisk 15 to 20 minute walk daily will save your heart. I've discovered experientially that by engaging in the walk consistenly without missing a night (barring inclement weather conditions) will help you shed those unwanted pounds, slowly but surely.
Portion control is a must when you need to lose weight. Everything in life seemingly is associated with habits. From the time we are small children we pick up habits from our parents. Hopefully most of them are good habits. Unfortunately we pick up even bad habits from our own loved one as well. I would like to share a brief story with you about some of my neighbors who lived down the street from me when I was a young boy. I won't mention any names because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. When I was about 10 years old I was allowed to camp out with my best friend three doors down from our house. He had a tent set up in his back yard and it was a big deal to a 10 year old kid to be able to camp out in a tent. The following morning after we camped out my friend's mother cooked breakfast for us. I mean his mom piled on the scrambled eggs, grits, pancakes, bacon, sausage, huge biscuits. I mean she loaded everyone's plate with this wonderful, delectable breakfast. My plate had enough food on it to feed three of four people. Fastforwarding around 20 or so years later, I worked at a company where my childhood friend's younger sister was also an employee. Sadly this young lady weighed close to 400 pounds. I'm not necessarily claiming that it was entirely attributable to eating habits. She could've had a thyroid gland disorder or some other disease. I would almost wager that lack of portion control probably contributed to her obesity.
Patience is vitally important for success with regard to just about everything in life. The weightloss process is certainly no exception. Some people jump on the scale three or four times per day. This is a mistake! Losing weight takes time and patience. I would recommend that anyone who wishes to drop those pounds should just hide the scale (shove it under the bed) and only use it every 30 days. Without patience it is extremely difficult to lose weight. You have to be willing to give it time. If a person is serious about dropping those unwanted pounds then they should set the following goals: (a) 30 day goal (b) 90 day goal (c) 6 month goal (d) one year goal. Remember "do not even go near a scale in between those time durations." Granted, sometimes you can jump on the scale and be five pound lighter than you were earlier that same day. Again a few hours later you jump on the scale again and notice you've regained that five pounds. Patience allows you to approach the weight loss program over a span of time that is not only more sensible but healthier, nonetheless. Dropping pounds too quickly can be very dangerous and life threatening. A healthy way or rational way to approach the weight loss campaign is to assume that the pounds come off like the old adage: three steps forward, two steps back, ie., lose one half pound one day and regain one quarter pound the following day.
Putting it all together I would suggest that someone who needs to lose weight engage in some semblance of physical activity such as walking, jogging or swimming, everyday. It is also important that you exercise rather briskly so that your heart rate is increased which provides good "cardio," and causes the burning of more calories than you incorporate into the body through food, etc. Unless someone burns more calories through excercise than they take into the body in the form of food, etc. they will not lose weight.
Eat less at each meal setting than you are accustomed to. This may mean that you will leave the dinner table somewhat hungry. I believe that it is necessary, at least in the beginning of a weight loss campaign to allow oneself to be a "little hungrier" when they leave the dinner table. The idea is not to stretch the stomach out to its capacity. The objective is to allow the stomach to contract by eating less. The urge to eat more (hungry feeling) is the stomach crying out for more food. Simply deny the stomach! Approximately two hours later eat some nuts or fruit. Almonds are very healthy antioxidants. By picking up some dried (lo cal) friut such as cherries, unsweetened raisins, or apricots mixed in with the almonds make them much more palatable. Eat smaller portions. Make sure your main entre is no larger than the palm of your hand. Normal portions that are purchased at the supermarket should be cut in half. If you are used to eating a whole baked chicken breast, only eat one half of the chicken breast. Instead of a full glass of whole milk, buy 2% milk and only drink one third of a glass per meal. If you need more beverage drink bottled (I prefer distilled) water. You should cut out soda pops because they contain a lot of sugar. Eliminate candy from the diet altogether, at least until you reach your goals. Replace it with nonfat yogurt, fruit and smoothies are great. Add flax seed to everything you eat. Use splenda or sugar substitute and a touch of honey instead of sugar in your coffee. Cut out the ice cream, candy and cokes or else you're only wasting your time.
To sum it up, consistent Exercise is vital for not only losing weight but for prolonging one's life. Too much TV can turn one into a "couch potato" which can be deadly. Portion control is "key" in dropping those ugly pounds and reducing the waist line. Make your body become a little hungrier than normal in between meals at first until you gain mastery over that spoiled stomach. It will adjust and within a few days the hunger sensation will vanish as the stomach realizes who the real boss is. Eat nuts and dried (lo cal) fruit about two hours after a meal. You don't want to go more than two hours without a snack because you don't want to get so hungry that you will over eat during meals. The objective here is to eat less at any given setting, but add a healthy snack within two hours of each meal. Put the almonds and dried friut in baggies and take them to work with you. Stay away from the greasy burgers at fast food establishments; choose a garden salad instead. If you have to have meat (I get that way sometimes) order a chicken sandwich without the mayo and just eat the chicken without the bread. The secret to weight loss is to eat lean, eat often but eat less per setting. Make that stomach growl and complain; it'll fall in line and succumb to your commands within a few days.
Finally, realize that patience is a survival mechanism even when it comes to losing weight. Don't be a scale hopper. Set the above prescribed goals and quantify them. Write them down and review them daily. For example if your goal is to lose 10 pounds the first month write the date down which would be 30 days from the date when you commited yourself to the goal. Write out a statement in your own words and read it aloud to yourself several times per day if possible. For example if your goal is to lose 10 pounds by July 28th write the following statement down. "As of July 28th I (your name) will weigh (your desired weight). I am determined to lose this weight and nothing will stop me from accomplishing this extremely important goal." Repeat it out loud! Memorize it and proclaim it several times per day. Look yourself in the mirror and shout it out! What you are doing essentially by repeating the positive affirmation is burning it into your subconscious mind so that the subconscious will go to work on your behalf. Also, I believe that words are compartments that take an unending pathway throughout the universe. I strongly believe that once someone commits to a goal, writes it down, quantifies (date of accomplisment)it and repeats it several time per day (with emotion) that the forces of the universe will come to your aid and assist you and help you get just about whatever you want.
Well my friend, I hope this has been helpful to you. Just realize that losing weight is serious business. Do it for yourself; you deserve it. If you have children do it for them so they will have a mommy or daddy around to be there for them. Don't make them go through this lonely struggle called life without you being there for them. Ask God to give you strength and courage. It's amazing what God can and will do for us when we go to Him in prayer. I'm far from perfect but I do know about the power of prayer, especially when the chips are down. Good Luck and Best Wishes!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Why I Am A "Christian Socialist"
Although I personally am a "believer," ie., in the miracle of Jesus Christ (Born of a virgin, Son of God who walked the earth as a man and was risen from the dead, sits at God's Right Hand on the throne, Making Intercession,ie., John 3:16) and his message unto salvation, I tend to differ with most Christians politically, philosophically and ideologically. First I do not believe that the church should be injected into the political arena period. I believe the church is a sanctuary of worship, praise and for hearing from God via messengers called pastors; Sunday School Teachers should expound on biblical doctrine as facilitators or interpretors of same. I don't believe Pastors or Sunday School Teachers Should share their political ideologies with their congregations. Church Is simply the wrong forum for political debate and public discourse.
On Several Occasions I have simply walked out of churches as soon as I heard the pastors criticizing the President Of the United States. Democrat-Republican-Conservative-Liberal notwithstanding, pastors have no authority nor the right to dictate to me vis a vis for whom I should cast my vote at the ballot box on election day. My contention is that those pastors who do impose their political ideologies on their congregations have essentially turned their church establishment from a "spiritual house of worship," into a den Of thieves or an extention of capitalistic gain and have therefore joined ranks with the "corporate fascists" whose sole purpose is the acquisition of wealth and financial gain via Machiavellianistic methodologies.
A few years ago the late televangelist Jerry Falwell founded a group of Christians called " The Moral Majority." Millions of Those who identified themselves as Christians (mostly caucasions)followed Falwell whose purpose was to influence U.S. Presidential elections. Falwell encouraged his followers to support the Conservative-Republican candidates who espoused a similar moral philosphy to his own which accentuated two "wedge issues" in particular: the topics of Abortion rights and Gay Rights. Since the Moral Majority was implemented, seemingly many and I would dare to say most churches have adopted Falwell's political ideology by allowing these two wedge issues to determine who they would cast their vote for the "world's most powerful position."
Personally I do not believe that the church should be permitted to influence the political landscape while simultaneously enjoying a "tax exempt" status. Many churches rake in billions annually and their pastors enjoy opulent lifestyles without having to pay taxes. Yet these same pastors get on the air via television and radio and preach against entitlements which are designed to help the poor and disadvantaged while calling for support of their political party of choice which supports the oppression of the poor and disadvantaged. One Televangelist, a billionairre who founded his own Christian Television network, stated that the Social Security program was like pouring money down a rat's hole. Social Security, which was implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt, has, in fact, been one of the most successful programs passed by a U.S. president in our history. Social Security has literally kept millions of senior citizens out of poverty, constitutes a minor portion of the national debt, is not an entitlement but rather insurance that people paid into all their working lives and deserve to get it back.
In the last thirty years under Reaganomics the wealthiest ten percent of Americans have absorbed ninety per cent of our country's wealth because Reaganomics, also referred to as "Trickle Down Economics," has in fact done just the opposite: it has trickled up to the wealthiest Americans while the middle class has virtually dissappeared into the ranks of the poor. Stagflation ( when wages remain constant while inflation increases) has been a reality as the average wage has remained at $8.00 per hour in much of the U.S. since Reagan was in office. During this same time period the quality of life for the middle class in the U.S. has gone from #1 to #12 in the world. The ratio of income in the U.S. when comparing CEOs to the average worker Is 425 to 1. This is astounding, appalling and outrageous. The "Evils Or Excesses Of Capitalism" are manifesting themselves at an alarming rate.
This mountain of greed and economic inequality notwithstanding, the church continues to support the political party that encourages the economic rape of America. It's no secret that the Republican Party is funded by the wealthiest one percent of Americans and therefore promotes legislation and policies that perpetuates Greed and economic injustices and opposes any legislation that is designed to reverse the corporate fascist trend that oppresses the poor and have nots in society. Therefore my question for those who call themselves Christians is the following: Since when did Jesus become pro rich? Since when did Jesus become Anti poor? Since when did Jesus become anti healthcare?
Although many Christians tend to be fixated on the two wedge issues, ie., "abortion rights and gay rights," in favor of denying a woman control of her own body and gays the same rights as everyone else, these two issues only pale in comparison to the much bigger issues at hand such as the threat of Feudalism (corporate slavery which entails the U.S. being composed of a vast population of extremely poor people being ruled by a handful of billionairre tyrants) at our doorsteps at this very moment. Not to mention these same "so called christians" are about to support a candidate who has made a living out of destroying American families and their livelihoods by closing down their companies and outsourcing their jobs to China, Mexico and India out of greed and financial gain. There is a belief among many people that these same so called christians are in fact racists who hate President Obama to the extent that they would vote for "anybody but Obama." Such attitudes are utterly assinine and obviously originated from either Fox News Network ( which was kicked out of many countries due to their lies, hate and deception)or one of the many wealthy conservative pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz and Michael Savage-all of whom use the airwaves of ClearChannel that is owned by Bain Capital-a company owned and run by Mitt Romney.
The reason I identify myself as a "Christian Socialist" is because I tend to agree with the philosophical teachings and political ideology of Senator Bernie Sanders Of Vermont who cares about poor people, gay people (although I personally am not gay), elderly people, minorities, dysfunctional people, immigrants who are searching for a better life in a new world, and a dying middle class-one half of which, not unlike sheep to the slaughter, continue to blindly worship their wealthy corporate masters inspite of going against their own self interests. Now I know why many of the great thinking mind in our history including Albert Einstein, George Orwell, Earnest Hemingway, Walter Cronkite (most trusted man in America), Helen Keller, Golda Meir, Tolstoy, Steinbeck, Sinclair Lewis, Stephen King, David Letterman, are or were self proclaimed Socialists.
For many years Capitalism in the U.S. worked for the good of all Americans. Millions of poor people were emancipated and elevated into the middle class. Immigrants from third world countries gravitated to the U.S. to realize the American dream. Anyone with an enterprising spirit and a dream could start a business and rise from rags to riches. Things have changed in the U.S. dramatically during the last 30 years: corporate Lobbyists have had their way with our politicians standing in the shadows with hands out, thereby lining their pockets;Many CEO's are exploiting their employees, stealing their 401Ks, skimming commissions while shouting the suddenly popular phrase: "Greed with morals is good." Monopolies have taken their toll on American small businesses. A good example is Walmart.
Since our politicians seem unfazed and unconcerned about reversing this trend toward corporate greed and oppression of the poor by wanting to dismantle social safety nets designed to keep them afloat, what lies ahead in our future for the American people? We saw the disintegration of the Soviet Union a few years ago. Are Americans arrogant to the extent that we believe the U.S. would be exempt from a similar fate? Think again. I submit to the readers of this story: If Mitt Romney is elected President of the United States we the people are in serious peril. Romney epitomizes Corporate Fascism and the 1%. Romney has been sent by Corporate America on a mission to wipe out the U.S. middle class. An attempt at Feudalistic Servitude will lead to a revolution unseen and unprecedented in the annals of world history.
We must reject Mitt Romney and the Corporate Fascists. We as a country must move to the left and join the rest of the world. Al Queada is not the most dangerous threat to the American people; American Conservatism is the biggest threat to our nation. We need bigger government to patrol corruption on Wall Street. We need more social programs to help deliver millions of Americans out of poverty. We need to end monopolies and make it a felony for any politician to accept money from corporate lobbyists. People need to wake up! Talk to your neighbors, siblings, cousins, parents, children and tell them to fight the good fight for the American People Against the wealthy oppressors by reelecting Barack Obama and rejecting the Conservatives, the GOP and Corporate America. Pray for God to strengthen us and help us keep our freedom. To that end I will just remain a "Christian Socialist."
On Several Occasions I have simply walked out of churches as soon as I heard the pastors criticizing the President Of the United States. Democrat-Republican-Conservative-Liberal notwithstanding, pastors have no authority nor the right to dictate to me vis a vis for whom I should cast my vote at the ballot box on election day. My contention is that those pastors who do impose their political ideologies on their congregations have essentially turned their church establishment from a "spiritual house of worship," into a den Of thieves or an extention of capitalistic gain and have therefore joined ranks with the "corporate fascists" whose sole purpose is the acquisition of wealth and financial gain via Machiavellianistic methodologies.
A few years ago the late televangelist Jerry Falwell founded a group of Christians called " The Moral Majority." Millions of Those who identified themselves as Christians (mostly caucasions)followed Falwell whose purpose was to influence U.S. Presidential elections. Falwell encouraged his followers to support the Conservative-Republican candidates who espoused a similar moral philosphy to his own which accentuated two "wedge issues" in particular: the topics of Abortion rights and Gay Rights. Since the Moral Majority was implemented, seemingly many and I would dare to say most churches have adopted Falwell's political ideology by allowing these two wedge issues to determine who they would cast their vote for the "world's most powerful position."
Personally I do not believe that the church should be permitted to influence the political landscape while simultaneously enjoying a "tax exempt" status. Many churches rake in billions annually and their pastors enjoy opulent lifestyles without having to pay taxes. Yet these same pastors get on the air via television and radio and preach against entitlements which are designed to help the poor and disadvantaged while calling for support of their political party of choice which supports the oppression of the poor and disadvantaged. One Televangelist, a billionairre who founded his own Christian Television network, stated that the Social Security program was like pouring money down a rat's hole. Social Security, which was implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt, has, in fact, been one of the most successful programs passed by a U.S. president in our history. Social Security has literally kept millions of senior citizens out of poverty, constitutes a minor portion of the national debt, is not an entitlement but rather insurance that people paid into all their working lives and deserve to get it back.
In the last thirty years under Reaganomics the wealthiest ten percent of Americans have absorbed ninety per cent of our country's wealth because Reaganomics, also referred to as "Trickle Down Economics," has in fact done just the opposite: it has trickled up to the wealthiest Americans while the middle class has virtually dissappeared into the ranks of the poor. Stagflation ( when wages remain constant while inflation increases) has been a reality as the average wage has remained at $8.00 per hour in much of the U.S. since Reagan was in office. During this same time period the quality of life for the middle class in the U.S. has gone from #1 to #12 in the world. The ratio of income in the U.S. when comparing CEOs to the average worker Is 425 to 1. This is astounding, appalling and outrageous. The "Evils Or Excesses Of Capitalism" are manifesting themselves at an alarming rate.
This mountain of greed and economic inequality notwithstanding, the church continues to support the political party that encourages the economic rape of America. It's no secret that the Republican Party is funded by the wealthiest one percent of Americans and therefore promotes legislation and policies that perpetuates Greed and economic injustices and opposes any legislation that is designed to reverse the corporate fascist trend that oppresses the poor and have nots in society. Therefore my question for those who call themselves Christians is the following: Since when did Jesus become pro rich? Since when did Jesus become Anti poor? Since when did Jesus become anti healthcare?
Although many Christians tend to be fixated on the two wedge issues, ie., "abortion rights and gay rights," in favor of denying a woman control of her own body and gays the same rights as everyone else, these two issues only pale in comparison to the much bigger issues at hand such as the threat of Feudalism (corporate slavery which entails the U.S. being composed of a vast population of extremely poor people being ruled by a handful of billionairre tyrants) at our doorsteps at this very moment. Not to mention these same "so called christians" are about to support a candidate who has made a living out of destroying American families and their livelihoods by closing down their companies and outsourcing their jobs to China, Mexico and India out of greed and financial gain. There is a belief among many people that these same so called christians are in fact racists who hate President Obama to the extent that they would vote for "anybody but Obama." Such attitudes are utterly assinine and obviously originated from either Fox News Network ( which was kicked out of many countries due to their lies, hate and deception)or one of the many wealthy conservative pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz and Michael Savage-all of whom use the airwaves of ClearChannel that is owned by Bain Capital-a company owned and run by Mitt Romney.
The reason I identify myself as a "Christian Socialist" is because I tend to agree with the philosophical teachings and political ideology of Senator Bernie Sanders Of Vermont who cares about poor people, gay people (although I personally am not gay), elderly people, minorities, dysfunctional people, immigrants who are searching for a better life in a new world, and a dying middle class-one half of which, not unlike sheep to the slaughter, continue to blindly worship their wealthy corporate masters inspite of going against their own self interests. Now I know why many of the great thinking mind in our history including Albert Einstein, George Orwell, Earnest Hemingway, Walter Cronkite (most trusted man in America), Helen Keller, Golda Meir, Tolstoy, Steinbeck, Sinclair Lewis, Stephen King, David Letterman, are or were self proclaimed Socialists.
For many years Capitalism in the U.S. worked for the good of all Americans. Millions of poor people were emancipated and elevated into the middle class. Immigrants from third world countries gravitated to the U.S. to realize the American dream. Anyone with an enterprising spirit and a dream could start a business and rise from rags to riches. Things have changed in the U.S. dramatically during the last 30 years: corporate Lobbyists have had their way with our politicians standing in the shadows with hands out, thereby lining their pockets;Many CEO's are exploiting their employees, stealing their 401Ks, skimming commissions while shouting the suddenly popular phrase: "Greed with morals is good." Monopolies have taken their toll on American small businesses. A good example is Walmart.
Since our politicians seem unfazed and unconcerned about reversing this trend toward corporate greed and oppression of the poor by wanting to dismantle social safety nets designed to keep them afloat, what lies ahead in our future for the American people? We saw the disintegration of the Soviet Union a few years ago. Are Americans arrogant to the extent that we believe the U.S. would be exempt from a similar fate? Think again. I submit to the readers of this story: If Mitt Romney is elected President of the United States we the people are in serious peril. Romney epitomizes Corporate Fascism and the 1%. Romney has been sent by Corporate America on a mission to wipe out the U.S. middle class. An attempt at Feudalistic Servitude will lead to a revolution unseen and unprecedented in the annals of world history.
We must reject Mitt Romney and the Corporate Fascists. We as a country must move to the left and join the rest of the world. Al Queada is not the most dangerous threat to the American people; American Conservatism is the biggest threat to our nation. We need bigger government to patrol corruption on Wall Street. We need more social programs to help deliver millions of Americans out of poverty. We need to end monopolies and make it a felony for any politician to accept money from corporate lobbyists. People need to wake up! Talk to your neighbors, siblings, cousins, parents, children and tell them to fight the good fight for the American People Against the wealthy oppressors by reelecting Barack Obama and rejecting the Conservatives, the GOP and Corporate America. Pray for God to strengthen us and help us keep our freedom. To that end I will just remain a "Christian Socialist."
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
How To Make Money Online
Are you tired of online money making ventures that promise you the moon but never seem to deliver? Are you tired of losing money on the internet? I understand how you feel because I personally have lost thousands of dollars on the internet. It is not your fault. You see I went through several programs, most of which were legal but were deceptive and misleading and ultimately required a great deal of effort including expensive advertising, sponsoring new members and took too long to make money. Many of these programs are designed to make the top 2% wealthy while the bottom 98% make next to nothing.
Because I was persistent and determined to find some legitimate online money making ventures that allowed everyone to make money right away-I succeeded in my efforts. I discovered a program where participants make money the very first day. It was free to join. Since joining the program in January 2012 I have already generated, as of today, June 11,2012, a daily income of over $80.00 and will be seeing a daily earnings of $100 (double what I make on my dayjob) within two to three weeks from today at which time I plan to walk away from my dayjob and work online exclusively no more than one hour per day.
After doing my due diligence and having done extensive research on this particular company to determine if it and its founder were on the "up and Up," I discovered that thousands of people all over the world are making money with this program. I've also been unable to find one person who has lost money with the program. Granted There are many programs on the internet that are "scammy" and deceptive. However, there are also legitimate programs on the internet where people all over the world are having "life changing" experiences. As a result of "Free Trade," and the outsourcing of jobs in the U.S., many laidoff workers were required to go to the internet to find a way to replace the lost salaries and wages.
If you are sincere about wanting to generate extra income and do like many others who were able to replace their daytime jobs with an almost effortless online opportunity, keep reading. If you are tired of trading your time for money then you've come to the right place. Even if you would like to continue working your regular job and would just like to supplement your income with an online money generating opportunity, you've come to the right place. I would suggest that you click on the following link, opt in (sign in with your email & user name) and give it a good look.If you have any questions about either program, then feel free to call me at your convenience at 904 405 6501 or email me at cwcook1000@gmail.com Wishing You Success to The Utmost. www.tinyurl.com/7kerdqd
Because I was persistent and determined to find some legitimate online money making ventures that allowed everyone to make money right away-I succeeded in my efforts. I discovered a program where participants make money the very first day. It was free to join. Since joining the program in January 2012 I have already generated, as of today, June 11,2012, a daily income of over $80.00 and will be seeing a daily earnings of $100 (double what I make on my dayjob) within two to three weeks from today at which time I plan to walk away from my dayjob and work online exclusively no more than one hour per day.
After doing my due diligence and having done extensive research on this particular company to determine if it and its founder were on the "up and Up," I discovered that thousands of people all over the world are making money with this program. I've also been unable to find one person who has lost money with the program. Granted There are many programs on the internet that are "scammy" and deceptive. However, there are also legitimate programs on the internet where people all over the world are having "life changing" experiences. As a result of "Free Trade," and the outsourcing of jobs in the U.S., many laidoff workers were required to go to the internet to find a way to replace the lost salaries and wages.
If you are sincere about wanting to generate extra income and do like many others who were able to replace their daytime jobs with an almost effortless online opportunity, keep reading. If you are tired of trading your time for money then you've come to the right place. Even if you would like to continue working your regular job and would just like to supplement your income with an online money generating opportunity, you've come to the right place. I would suggest that you click on the following link, opt in (sign in with your email & user name) and give it a good look.If you have any questions about either program, then feel free to call me at your convenience at 904 405 6501 or email me at cwcook1000@gmail.com Wishing You Success to The Utmost. www.tinyurl.com/7kerdqd
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