Although I personally am a "believer," ie., in the miracle of Jesus Christ (Born of a virgin, Son of God who walked the earth as a man and was risen from the dead, sits at God's Right Hand on the throne, Making Intercession,ie., John 3:16) and his message unto salvation, I tend to differ with most Christians politically, philosophically and ideologically. First I do not believe that the church should be injected into the political arena period. I believe the church is a sanctuary of worship, praise and for hearing from God via messengers called pastors; Sunday School Teachers should expound on biblical doctrine as facilitators or interpretors of same. I don't believe Pastors or Sunday School Teachers Should share their political ideologies with their congregations. Church Is simply the wrong forum for political debate and public discourse.
On Several Occasions I have simply walked out of churches as soon as I heard the pastors criticizing the President Of the United States. Democrat-Republican-Conservative-Liberal notwithstanding, pastors have no authority nor the right to dictate to me vis a vis for whom I should cast my vote at the ballot box on election day. My contention is that those pastors who do impose their political ideologies on their congregations have essentially turned their church establishment from a "spiritual house of worship," into a den Of thieves or an extention of capitalistic gain and have therefore joined ranks with the "corporate fascists" whose sole purpose is the acquisition of wealth and financial gain via Machiavellianistic methodologies.
A few years ago the late televangelist Jerry Falwell founded a group of Christians called " The Moral Majority." Millions of Those who identified themselves as Christians (mostly caucasions)followed Falwell whose purpose was to influence U.S. Presidential elections. Falwell encouraged his followers to support the Conservative-Republican candidates who espoused a similar moral philosphy to his own which accentuated two "wedge issues" in particular: the topics of Abortion rights and Gay Rights. Since the Moral Majority was implemented, seemingly many and I would dare to say most churches have adopted Falwell's political ideology by allowing these two wedge issues to determine who they would cast their vote for the "world's most powerful position."
Personally I do not believe that the church should be permitted to influence the political landscape while simultaneously enjoying a "tax exempt" status. Many churches rake in billions annually and their pastors enjoy opulent lifestyles without having to pay taxes. Yet these same pastors get on the air via television and radio and preach against entitlements which are designed to help the poor and disadvantaged while calling for support of their political party of choice which supports the oppression of the poor and disadvantaged. One Televangelist, a billionairre who founded his own Christian Television network, stated that the Social Security program was like pouring money down a rat's hole. Social Security, which was implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt, has, in fact, been one of the most successful programs passed by a U.S. president in our history. Social Security has literally kept millions of senior citizens out of poverty, constitutes a minor portion of the national debt, is not an entitlement but rather insurance that people paid into all their working lives and deserve to get it back.
In the last thirty years under Reaganomics the wealthiest ten percent of Americans have absorbed ninety per cent of our country's wealth because Reaganomics, also referred to as "Trickle Down Economics," has in fact done just the opposite: it has trickled up to the wealthiest Americans while the middle class has virtually dissappeared into the ranks of the poor. Stagflation ( when wages remain constant while inflation increases) has been a reality as the average wage has remained at $8.00 per hour in much of the U.S. since Reagan was in office. During this same time period the quality of life for the middle class in the U.S. has gone from #1 to #12 in the world. The ratio of income in the U.S. when comparing CEOs to the average worker Is 425 to 1. This is astounding, appalling and outrageous. The "Evils Or Excesses Of Capitalism" are manifesting themselves at an alarming rate.
This mountain of greed and economic inequality notwithstanding, the church continues to support the political party that encourages the economic rape of America. It's no secret that the Republican Party is funded by the wealthiest one percent of Americans and therefore promotes legislation and policies that perpetuates Greed and economic injustices and opposes any legislation that is designed to reverse the corporate fascist trend that oppresses the poor and have nots in society. Therefore my question for those who call themselves Christians is the following: Since when did Jesus become pro rich? Since when did Jesus become Anti poor? Since when did Jesus become anti healthcare?
Although many Christians tend to be fixated on the two wedge issues, ie., "abortion rights and gay rights," in favor of denying a woman control of her own body and gays the same rights as everyone else, these two issues only pale in comparison to the much bigger issues at hand such as the threat of Feudalism (corporate slavery which entails the U.S. being composed of a vast population of extremely poor people being ruled by a handful of billionairre tyrants) at our doorsteps at this very moment. Not to mention these same "so called christians" are about to support a candidate who has made a living out of destroying American families and their livelihoods by closing down their companies and outsourcing their jobs to China, Mexico and India out of greed and financial gain. There is a belief among many people that these same so called christians are in fact racists who hate President Obama to the extent that they would vote for "anybody but Obama." Such attitudes are utterly assinine and obviously originated from either Fox News Network ( which was kicked out of many countries due to their lies, hate and deception)or one of the many wealthy conservative pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz and Michael Savage-all of whom use the airwaves of ClearChannel that is owned by Bain Capital-a company owned and run by Mitt Romney.
The reason I identify myself as a "Christian Socialist" is because I tend to agree with the philosophical teachings and political ideology of Senator Bernie Sanders Of Vermont who cares about poor people, gay people (although I personally am not gay), elderly people, minorities, dysfunctional people, immigrants who are searching for a better life in a new world, and a dying middle class-one half of which, not unlike sheep to the slaughter, continue to blindly worship their wealthy corporate masters inspite of going against their own self interests. Now I know why many of the great thinking mind in our history including Albert Einstein, George Orwell, Earnest Hemingway, Walter Cronkite (most trusted man in America), Helen Keller, Golda Meir, Tolstoy, Steinbeck, Sinclair Lewis, Stephen King, David Letterman, are or were self proclaimed Socialists.
For many years Capitalism in the U.S. worked for the good of all Americans. Millions of poor people were emancipated and elevated into the middle class. Immigrants from third world countries gravitated to the U.S. to realize the American dream. Anyone with an enterprising spirit and a dream could start a business and rise from rags to riches. Things have changed in the U.S. dramatically during the last 30 years: corporate Lobbyists have had their way with our politicians standing in the shadows with hands out, thereby lining their pockets;Many CEO's are exploiting their employees, stealing their 401Ks, skimming commissions while shouting the suddenly popular phrase: "Greed with morals is good." Monopolies have taken their toll on American small businesses. A good example is Walmart.
Since our politicians seem unfazed and unconcerned about reversing this trend toward corporate greed and oppression of the poor by wanting to dismantle social safety nets designed to keep them afloat, what lies ahead in our future for the American people? We saw the disintegration of the Soviet Union a few years ago. Are Americans arrogant to the extent that we believe the U.S. would be exempt from a similar fate? Think again. I submit to the readers of this story: If Mitt Romney is elected President of the United States we the people are in serious peril. Romney epitomizes Corporate Fascism and the 1%. Romney has been sent by Corporate America on a mission to wipe out the U.S. middle class. An attempt at Feudalistic Servitude will lead to a revolution unseen and unprecedented in the annals of world history.
We must reject Mitt Romney and the Corporate Fascists. We as a country must move to the left and join the rest of the world. Al Queada is not the most dangerous threat to the American people; American Conservatism is the biggest threat to our nation. We need bigger government to patrol corruption on Wall Street. We need more social programs to help deliver millions of Americans out of poverty. We need to end monopolies and make it a felony for any politician to accept money from corporate lobbyists. People need to wake up! Talk to your neighbors, siblings, cousins, parents, children and tell them to fight the good fight for the American People Against the wealthy oppressors by reelecting Barack Obama and rejecting the Conservatives, the GOP and Corporate America. Pray for God to strengthen us and help us keep our freedom. To that end I will just remain a "Christian Socialist."
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